Coaching Services

Congratulations for considering coaching!


We all exercise leadership in our lives and work but how can we lead to make a positive, constructive difference and to lead with confidence and courage.


Coaching is an important and proven ingredient of successful leadership practice. This is true regardless of if you are an experienced leader navigating complex, disruptive changes or maybe embarking on a career/life defining transition, or an emerging leader nervous and excited about moving into a leader role for the first time.


While people are our biggest assets they can also be our biggest challenges. Your leadership journey can be strengthened by complimentary group coaching. Group coaching may well be the key that unlocks your success.


All my coaching services and programs are discussed, negotiated, and ultimately co-designed with each client. Programs can blend solutions such as face to face session, online platforms, project methods and integration with other development programs and activities.


The approaches and resources I draw on for my coaching are predominately based on neuroscience, especially the NeuroLeadership Institute’s Brain-Based Coaching program, on my training in the Harvard University program The Art and Practice of Leadership Development (known as Adaptive Leadership), use of facilitation skills informed by heuristics and adult learning principles as well as my extensive personal experience as a leader of change and innovation. 

Typical phases of coaching 

Alignment of your personal motivations, value preferences, and overall purpose. This makes the coaching work authentic to you.

Identification of your expectations and goals, and co-design a plan to keep us responsive and focused on what’s important and realistic.

A program of regular sessions to track achievements, explore insights, discuss challenges, modify plans and celebrate successes.

Completion of the agreed program that involves reflection, celebration and consideration of what’s next.

Get started today.  Contact me to discuss your situation and find out more information. 

"I just wanted to reiterate how much I enjoyed the last two days with you. I thoroughly enjoyed the sessions and they have really motivated and inspired me to look at my current practice/approach and challenged my thinking around this both personally as well as what this means from a broader organisational perspective. Thank you."
Participant of an Adaptive Leadership Workshop